Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is Crowdsourcing?

This concept is gaining more and more space, virtually speaking...

What do you think??
Share your ideas...

Lista de verbos irregulares em pdf

Normalmente temos problemas em memorizar os verbos irregulares, por esse motivo coloco aqui uma lista em pdf para que sua impressão seja facilitada.
Segue o link!

Enjoy it!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Moves America? Some Transportation Trends in the US

Can you find -ed sounds in this extract?? How many of each different sounds are there?

What Moves America? Some Transportation Trends in the US

Vancouver Park board

Tenha textos relevantes à cultura de língua inglesa em seu Facebook, e ainda veja a beleza de British Columbia!!

Probable mistakes with vowels- #1

The first problem, and perhaps the most evident, will occur in the vicinity of the front/high vowels.  The English /iy/ as in eat and /I/ as in bit ,are very likely to be perceived and produced as Portuguese /i/ as in pipa, thus neutralizing the contrast between words like:

beach /biytsh/ - bitch /bItsh/
bead /biyd/ - bid /bId/
beat /biyt/ - bit /bIt/
cheap /tshiyp/ - chip /tshIp/
eat  /iyt/ - it /It/
feel /fiyl/ - fill /fIl/
feet /fiyt/ - fit /fIt/
green /griyn/ - grin /grIn/
heat /hiyt/ - hit /hIt/
heel /hiyl/ - hill /hIl/
lead /liyd/ - lid /lId/
leap /liyp/ - lip /lIp/
least /liyst/ - list /lIst/

Since the English phonemes /iy/ and /I/ carry a very heavy functional load, any neutralization in this area becomes a problem of major significance.

Schütz, Ricardo. "Os Fonemas Vogais do Inglês e do Português." English Made in Brazil <>. Online. 28 de maio de 2008.

The Forgotten Cornerstone


Brazilian Portuguese is a syllable-timed language, in contrast to English. This can result in learners having serious difficulty reproducing the appropriate intonation patterns of spoken English. This is less of a problem for European Portuguese speakers, whose Portuguese variety is stress-timed like English. Portuguese contains about 9 vowel sounds (plus 6 dipthongs) and 19 consonant sounds. This is fewer than English, and there are fewer consonant clusters. These differences can result in the following pronunciation issues:
  • failure to distinguish minimal pairs such as rich/reach, pack/puck or head/had
  • inaudibility of unstressed vowels at the end of a word, e.g., part (for party)
  • problems with dipthongs such as in hear/hair
  • the inclusion of vowel sounds before, between or following consonants, e.g., estrap (for strap) or monthes (for months)
  • nasalization of the final /m/ or /n/, so ran, for example, becomes rang
  • the expected problems with words such as then, think or breathe
  • failure to discriminate between words such as pig/big or gale/kale
  • substitution of ear for hear or high for I.
  • probable errors with vowels